How To Smell Proof Your Room

5 Sep 2019
Smell Proof Containers, Jars

Living on your own comes with a myriad of perks, one of which is the freedom of letting the wonderful aroma of cannabis reign in your house. When you use the best online dispensary in Canada, you are bound to have stinky buds. However, some people, because of their age or other reasons, have no choice but to hide their stash. Given that I’ve also been there at some time of my life, I’d like to give you some smart tips on how to smell proof your room or dorm after enjoying some greenery.

Whether you’re living with your parents or attending a university, you can still light up without raising any suspicion. While smoking the herb outside will be hands down the best way to smell proof your room, leaving your place each, say, 2 hours every single time you want to take a couple of puffs may be burdensome. Moreover, if you live in a state or a country where the possession and use of weed is illegal, walking out frequently for a joint is anything but wise.

So how to smell proof your room so that nobody notices you’ve just had some nice me-time? Have a look at the lifehacks below and save yourself some time and stress.

1. Invest In a Smell-proof Container

Smell Proof Containers Help Hide The Smell Of Smok

Source: Best Dry Herb Vaporizers

The aroma of cannabis is undeniably beautiful, but it’s also apparent even if you don’t light it up. Given this, the first thing you should do with your stash is place it into a container that will seal the intense scent of the cannabis plant.

If you’re up for an extra expense, it’s all the better, as online shops are full of professional smell-proof containers that will keep your stash incognito. A top notch marijuana container will not only mask the smell, but it will also preserve your buds and prevent mold or mildew from growing.

Alas, it may happen that your monthly budget doesn’t allow extra expenses yet you’re still up for that fat joint in the comfort of your room, store your weed in a place where its aroma will be less obvious; for example, inside of a speaker or in a tightly-sealed jar.

2. Maintain The Right Airflow

Maintaining The Right Airflow

Source: Hipages

Always smoke in the direction out of which the air is going. To spot this direction, simply hold a lighter to the bottom of your door. That way you can which way the flame starts to blow. If the air is escaping through your door, keep a rolled up towel in the gap between the door and the floor.

Nevertheless, since there are many factors that may influence the direction of airflow, it’s wise to either buy a ventilation device or aerate your room regularly. After you burn your joint to ashes, keep your windows wide open and let the aroma of cannabis soak into the outdoors.

If you’re lucky enough to own a central air conditioning system, it will diffuse the scent, making it more difficult for someone to spot where the intriguing smell is coming from.

3. Use An Air Purifier On A Regular Basis

Using An Air Purifier

Source: Ubergizmo

Although an air purifier won’t remove the scent of weed in the blink of an eye, it comes in particularly handy for people who smoke in their rooms daily. Smoking in your place a lot will make the aroma stick around the room for a while, even on your non-smoking days, so having an air purifier that will systematically clean the air around you is one of those must-haves when it comes to smell proofing your room.

Air cleaners can also eliminate second-hand tobacco smoke, so if you’re used to rolling spliffs, such a device will eventually land on your priority list.

4. Use A Deodorizer



Some smokers believe that lighting an aroma candle or two will eliminate the scent of weed. And while this may help in the short run, both the aroma of cannabis and the smell of your candles will combine, removing the short-lived mask immediately.

So how to smell proof your room after the wake-and-bake session? Use a deodorizer – simple as that. Deodorizers kill the smell of cannabis almost instantly, so if your mom pays you an unexpected visit and the emergency button is all-red, a good deodorizer will be your lifesaver.

5. Choose Vaping Over Smoking

Vaping Marijuana

Source: What’s your vape temp

We live in a very tech-forward era that has given rise to a plethora of advanced ways to consume cannabis. Let’s face it, smoking is the least healthy method of marijuana consumption; not only does it cause damage to your lungs, but it also carries harmful carcinogens that support the growth of cancer cells.

Some smokers who decide to go cold turkey choose to indulge in cannabis edibles. These marijuana-infused goodies grant longer and more intense high, albeit it takes more time for edibles to kick in. Moreover, cannabis-infused food often comes with lots of calories since THC dissolves only in fat. Given that most weed strains also give you munchies, you may once enter a vicious circle of a constant food rampage – one that is hard to escape.

Luckily, here comes the ultimate option for enjoying cannabis without the risks included by the above methods – it’s vaping. Using a vaporizer to consume marijuana is hands down the healthiest and the most enjoyable way to revel in weed. Not only can you taste the full terpene profile of your plant, but you’re also safe in terms of discretion.

Since most 5-star vaporizers use convection as their heating method, your weed won’t produce such apparent aroma, not to mention that 90% of cannabinoids are consumed during vaporization, whereas smoked cannabis leaves you with 75% of wasted material.

Let’s Cut The Long Story Short

As you see, there’s plenty of things you can do to smell proof your room when being a not-so-independent cannabis user. First of all, do everything in your power to ensure the right airflow in your room and always keep your stash in a smell-proof container, be it the one from a store or your own DIY weed box.

Also, remember to ventilate your space or, when smoking weed regularly, use an air-purifier to keep the air fresh. Last but not least, it may be a wise choice to pick a vaporizer over a joint or spliff and squeeze the most out of your buds, both in terms of sensual experience and health benefits of cannabis.

How do you smell proof your rooms, fellow stoners? Share your lifehacks in the comment section!

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