Does Cannabis Legalization Improve a State’s Mental Health?
28 Sep 2023

In recent years, the topic of cannabis legalization has sparked intense debates worldwide. As more and more countries and states move towards legalizing the use of marijuana for medical and recreational purposes. It is crucial to understand if cannabis legalization improves mental health. This article aims to explore the effects of cannabis legalization on mental health. As well as, shedding light on the existing evidence and highlighting the need for further research.
The Rise of Cannabis Legalization
Cannabis laws have undergone significant transformations in various parts of the world, particularly in the United States. By 2021. 36 states in the US had passed medical marijuana laws (MMLs), and 19 states had legalized recreational marijuana (RMLs). These changes in legislation have raised important questions about the potential impact on individual outcomes and behaviorsm implications for public health.
The Link Between Cannabis Use and Mental Health
Understanding the relationship between cannabis use and mental health is crucial to assess the impact of legalization. Research suggests that the use of cannabinoids, the active compounds in cannabis, can have both positive and negative effects on mental well-being. On one hand, cannabinoids can improve sleep quality, reduce stress disorders, and act as antidepressants. On the other hand, chronic cannabis use has been associated with an increase in acute psychosis and schizophrenia-type symptoms.
The Need for Research on Mental Health Effects
While there is a growing body of evidence on the effects of cannabis legalization, the impact on mental health has received less attention in both economic and public health studies. Given the prevalence of mental illness and the associated economic costs, it is crucial to examine the potential effects of cannabis legalization on mental health outcomes. However, it is important to note that establishing a causal relationship between cannabis use and mental health diagnoses is challenging.
Examining the Impacts of Cannabis Legalization
To gain insights into the mental health effects of cannabis legalization, researchers have conducted studies using various methodologies. One study examined the changes in mental health-related emergency department (ED) visits in Colorado. A state where both medical and recreational cannabis dispensaries exist. The findings suggested that the prevalence of mental health-related ED visits involving cannabis. These grew at a faster rate than those without cannabis during the period of cannabis legalization.
The Role of High Potency Products
Cannabis legalization not only increases access to cannabis but also opens the market to high potency products. The industry now offers a range of products with high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the principal psychoactive cannabinoid. These products, such as concentrates and edibles, can contain THC levels exceeding 70% (Davenport, 2019). The potential impact of these high potency products on mental health is a cause for concern.
Age and Pre-existing Health Conditions
Research indicates that the effects of cannabis legalization on mental health outcomes can vary across age groups. Older individuals, who are more likely to use cannabis for medical purposes and have fewer vulnerabilities to adverse side effects, may experience null or even positive effects on mental health . Conversely, younger individuals, whose brains are still developing, may be more susceptible to the negative effects of cannabis use on mental health.
The Impact of Transitioning to a Recreational Market
Examining the incremental effect of transitioning from a medical market to a recreational market provides valuable insights into the impacts of cannabis legalization. A study conducted in Colorado analyzed changes in emergency department visits for schizophrenia and psychosis across different counties with varying levels of cannabis availability. The findings suggested a correlation between increased recreational cannabis access and an increase in visits for these mental health conditions.
Economic Costs and Public Health Implications
Understanding the economic costs and public health implications of cannabis legalization is essential for policymakers. Research has shown that the mental health effects of recreational marijuana legalization on young individuals can result in significant economic costs. Conversely, the improvement in mental health for older individuals due to medical marijuana legalization can lead to a reduction in economic costs. These findings underscore the need for careful consideration of the potential consequences of cannabis legalization on mental health.
As cannabis legalization continues to evolve, we need to find out if cannabis legalization improves mental health. While research on this topic is still limited, existing evidence suggests that cannabis legalization can have both positive and negative effects on mental health outcomes. Further research is needed to strengthen these findings and explore the effects on specific mental health conditions such as psychosis. By gaining a deeper understanding of the relationship between cannabis legalization and mental health. Policymakers can make informed decisions to promote public health and well-being.