Cannabis Trichromes: Guide to the Different Types of Weed

11 Jan 2024
Cannabis trichromes

Not everyone is a weed connoisseur. In fact, many people who smoke pot every once in a while may be afraid to try different strains because they’re not exactly sure what they like or even what those strange words mean. For example: What the heck is “cannabis trichromes” and how do they all vary from strain to strain?

Luckily, we’ve got you covered with this breakdown of the different types of cannabis and their various trichromes. Keep reading to learn more about the trichromes of weed, their effects on users, and which ones are right for you.

What is a Cannabis Trichrome?

A trichrome is the plant’s natural defense against UV light. As UV light hits the trichomes, which are the resin glands on the leaves and buds of the cannabis plant, they break down into cannabinoids. There are several types of cannabinoids, but this breakdown is the source of THC, CBD, CBN, and CBC.

These are the same cannabinoids that give cannabis its medicinal and recreational benefits. THC is the most well-known cannabinoid, and it has the most psychoactive effects. Counterintuitively, CBD actually has a higher concentration in the plant. However, CBD, with its non-psychoactive nature, has proven effective in treating various medical conditions.

CBN and CBC, like CBD, are non-psychoactive, but they are new to the world of cannabis research and haven’t been studied as extensively.

THC Trichromes: The High-Causing Cannabinoid

THC is the most common cannabinoid found in cannabis, and it’s also the most widely studied. It’s known for its psychoactive effects, which vary from person to person. As well as cause feelings of euphoria, relaxation, and creative or artistic inspiration.

THC can induce feelings of anxiety and paranoia in certain individuals. Several factors, including the genetics of the strain and environmental elements such as sunlight exposure, determine the potency of THC in your cannabis.

THC has a wide range of ratios and trichromes, which is why strains like Sour Diesel and Blue Dream are so popular. Mids: Mids are the most common THC trichrome.

They contain around 15% THC. Brokins: Brokins, named after cannabis connoisseur and scientist Dr. William “Bro” Brooks, are the second most common THC trichrome. They contain around 28% THC. Piney: Piney THC trichromes are the least common and contain about 1-4% THC. There are also variations of Piney THC trichromes like Purple, Red, and Orange.

CBD Trichromes: The Calming Cannabinoid

CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, which means that it doesn’t create the high feeling that THC does. This has been proven to have anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, and anti-tremor properties. It is gaining popularity as a medicinal alternative to THC.

CBD effectively treats anxiety, depression, nausea, and various other conditions. Although it is present in all cannabis strains, it is more prevalent in indica and sativa strains. Hills, the most common CBD trichrome, are present in strains such as Hindu Kush and Blueberry.

Brooks: The second most common CBD trichrome is known as Brokins, just like the THC trichrome. It is the most common CBD trichrome in Sour Diesel and Purple Kush. Red Hairs: Red hairs are the least common CBD trichrome and are found in a few strains like Northern Lights and Jack Herer.

CBN Trichromes: The Anti-Inflammatory Cannabinoid

CBN is another non-psychoactive cannabinoid that is gaining traction in the cannabis world.

It is known for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. It is commonly found in indica strains, which have been cultivated for years. As well as found in sativa strains, but in much smaller amounts.

CBN exhibits rare variations, with the most prevalent one identified as the “old man” trichrome. The Old Man, found in strains like Hindu Skunk and Afghan Kush, is the most common CBN trichrome.

CBC Trichromes: The Schizophrenia-Causing Cannabinoid

CBC is the only cannabinoid on this list that causes schizophrenia in some people.

This hallucinogenic cannabinoid enhances lung health, prevents diabetes, and lowers blood pressure. Indica strains are the primary source of CBC, much like CBN.

There are no variations of CBC trichromes, but the most common CBC trichome is the “blue” trichome. Blue: Blue is the only CBC trichrome. Strains like Northern Lights and Purple Kush contain it.


While they all produce very different effects, these four cannabinoids share a common origin in the trichomes of cannabis plants. However, understanding the difference in THC, CBD, CBN, and CBC trichromes can help you to find the right weed for your needs.

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