A Tourist’s Guide to Cannabis in Thailand

19 Jan 2023
Cannabis In Thailand

Thailand has long been a destination for tourists seeking to explore its diverse culture, vibrant cities, and stunning natural beauty. But, in recent years, Thailand has become more than just a tourist destination. It’s also become a hub for cannabis culture. As the laws surrounding cannabis in Thailand become more lenient and the country begins to embrace the plant.

Tourists are increasingly flocking to the region to explore its cannabis offerings. In this tourist’s guide to cannabis in Thailand. We’ll explore the pros and cons of consuming cannabis in Thailand. As well as what to expect on your journey. From medical marijuana dispensaries to the popular “ganja bars”. Thailand is quickly becoming a destination for cannabis tourists.

So, if you’re ready to explore the land of smiles and bud. Then read on and discover what to expect when you visit Thailand.

Overview of Cannabis Laws in Thailand

For many years, Thailand has strict laws surrounding the use of cannabis. In fact, the possession and use of cannabis has been illegal in Thailand since 1939. It is classified as a “controlled narcotic”. Although laws surrounding cannabis vary from country to country. In Thailand, the laws are harsh and include a minimum prison sentence of 10 years for possession of over 5 grams.

So, what led to such strict laws surrounding cannabis in Thailand? A number of factors have contributed to the laws surrounding cannabis in Thailand.

For example, Thailand has long been an exporter of hemp, and the government has had a interest in protecting their farmers. Additionally, the government has been concerned about the potential for increasing drug abuse in the country.

The possession, cultivation, sale, and use of cannabis was criminalized by the Cannabis Act 2477 BE (1935) and again by the Narcotics Act 2522 BE (1979). In 2018, Thailand became the first Asian nation to legalize medical cannabis.

Cannabis became decriminalized and smoking/vaping at public places can still attract penalty/ imprisonment under public nuisance.

Cannabis dispensaries were available as early as April 2022. On June 9, 2022, all cannabis plant parts were entirely removed from the narcotic list, decriminalizing all cannabis crime. Around 4,200 prisoners were released as a result of the decriminalization on the same day.

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Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

In recent years, Thailand has made great strides towards becoming an International hub for medical cannabis. Thailand has become a center for medical tourism. As many people travel to the country for access to affordable medical cannabis.

In order to receive medical cannabis in Thailand. Patients must be diagnosed with one of the prescribed conditions by a doctor. Then obtain a special permission to receive medical marijuana from the Ministry of Public Health. Once you have obtained permission, you can visit any of the country’s many medical marijuana dispensaries to obtain your cannabis prescription.

Once you have your prescription, you can visit any of the country’s many medical marijuana dispensaries to obtain your cannabis. Many people who travel to Thailand to access medical cannabis find that it is much more affordable than it is at home.

For example, the average price per gram of medical cannabis in Thailand is roughly $6. Compared to an average of $12 per gram in Western countries.

Cannabis Cafes and “Ganja Bars”

One of the most popular ways to enjoy cannabis in Thailand is to visit a “ganja bar”. Ganja bars are cannabis-friendly bars that operate throughout the country. The bars are a great way to enjoy a delicious meal or a drink. While also enjoying the effects of medical cannabis.

Ganja bars are typically legal, as the use of medical cannabis is allowed outside of the home. The bars are regulated by the government. If you want to visit one of the many cannabis cafes in Thailand. You will first have to obtain a doctor’s prescription for medical marijuana. Once you have the prescription, you can visit any of the country’s many medical marijuana dispensaries to obtain your prescription.

After you have obtained your prescription, you will be able to visit one of Thailand’s cannabis cafes to enjoy your medicine. Keep in mind that there are a few regulations that you will have to follow while visiting the cafes.

For example, you will have to consume your medication outside of the building. You will be prohibited from taking any leftover cannabis with you.

Cannabis In Thailand

Cannabis in Thailand: Tours

Another great way to enjoy cannabis in Thailand is by booking a cannabis tour. Cannabis tours are a great way to explore the country’s cannabis offerings while also learning more about its history.

Cannabis tours are available in every region of the country. You can find one that is both tailored to your interests and meets your budget. If you are looking for a cannabis tour, it is important to do your research. As many of the tours are offered by illegal sellers. If you want to ensure that you are booking a cannabis tour from a legal seller. Make sure that the tour is offered by a licensed company.

Licensed companies are legally allowed to sell cannabis products. They are required to test their products for quality and safety. Additionally, legal cannabis tours are required to show their licenses to the authorities. If you don’t see a license, then you can be sure that you are booking with an illegal seller.

Safety and Security Issues

While cannabis tourism is becoming increasingly popular in Thailand, there are some risks involved. For example, while the cannabis in Thailand is of high quality. It is important to note that the government does not regulate its sale.

This means that it can be difficult to know what you are purchasing. If you are visiting Thailand, it is important to be aware of the laws. As well as the risks that come with consuming cannabis as a tourist.

While consuming cannabis as a tourist in Thailand does come with some risks, it is also a great way to explore the country’s diverse culture while also enjoying the benefits of medical cannabis.

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Where to Buy Cannabis in Thailand

Now that you know a bit about the laws surrounding cannabis in Thailand. As well as how to navigate the tourism scene. You may be wondering where exactly you can purchase cannabis?

Although you will be able to find cannabis for sale throughout the country. The best places to purchase cannabis are at the local markets. These markets have numerous vendors selling a variety of cannabis products. Ranging from buds to oils and edibles. Cannabis is most commonly sold by the gram. You can expect to pay between $7 and $10 per gram. depending on the type.

Additionally, you will be able to find cannabis products for sale in a few of the more tourist-friendly shops. As well as in some of the cannabis cafes. However, it is important to be mindful of the quality of the products that you purchase in these places.

As they may not be as high quality as the products that you purchase at the markets. If you want to make sure that you are purchasing high-quality cannabis while in Thailand. Yhen make sure to visit the local markets, where the prices are much cheaper than those found in the tourist-friendly shops.


Now that you know a bit about the laws surrounding cannabis in Thailand. As well as where to purchase cannabis products and how to best enjoy cannabis while in Thailand. You are ready to explore the country’s diverse culture while enjoying the benefits of cannabis.

Whether you are visiting the country on business or as a tourist. It is important to be aware of the laws surrounding cannabis in Thailand in order to enjoy cannabis safely and responsibly.

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