Symptoms of Being Too High: A Beginner’s Guide

26 Feb 2024
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Are you wondering if you’re too high? Maybe your mind feels like it’s in a different dimension, but you don’t know for sure. Maybe you feel anxious for reasons you can’t explain, or maybe your paranoia is getting the best of you. How can you tell if being high has negatively impacted your life and mental state? There are many factors to consider when determining if you’re too high. While an enjoyable experience for most people, getting too high has some negative side effects that might impact your life negatively. If this sounds like something that could happen to you, read on to learn more about they symptoms of being too high, and what to do if it happens to you.

Signs You’re Too High

Some of the signs that you’re too high include:

  • Short-term memory loss: This can take the form of being unable to hold a normal conversation, forgetting what you just said, or even misplacing your car keys or your wallet.
  • Poor decision-making: This can be anything from making purchases you can’t afford or smoking more than you intended to, to driving in a way that puts you or others at risk.
  • Panic attacks: If you’re prone to anxiety, getting too high can make your anxiety much more prominent. You may become so uncomfortable that you have a panic attack, and you may have trouble calming yourself down.
  • Paranoia: If you’re prone to this when you’re sober, you risk magnifying the paranoia that getting high can cause.
  • Hallucinations: If you’re prone to hallucinating when you’re sober, you risk magnifying the hallucinations that getting high can cause.

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Difficulty Concentrating

If your high has made it difficult to concentrate, you may be too high. This is a sign that the chemicals in marijuana are negatively impacting your brain. When you consume marijuana, it causes some chemical changes in the brain. One change it causes is to decrease the amount of dopamine your brain produces. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps your brain focus.

Confusion and Disorientation

If your high has made you feel disoriented, or has caused confusion, you may be too high. This can be caused by the effect marijuana has on your brain. When you consume marijuana, it causes some chemical changes in the brain. One change it causes is to decrease the amount of serotonin your brain produces. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps your brain maintain a sense of clarity and mental organization.

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Depression and Anxiety

If your high has made you feel depressed and anxious, you may be too high. Marijuana has been shown to cause anxiety and paranoia in some people. The chemicals in marijuana can cause mood changes, and can even trigger a depression in people who have been depressed before. When you consume marijuana, it causes some chemical changes in the brain. One change it causes is to increase the amount of the neurotransmitter, GABA. GABA is responsible for controlling your mood, and the amount of GABA in your brain can impact your mood negatively.

The “Munchies” Is Out of Control

If the munchies have taken over, you may be too high. Marijuana causes some chemical changes in the brain. One change it causes is to lower the amount of a hormone called leptin. Leptin is responsible for telling your brain that you are full after eating. While there is no scientific evidence that smoking marijuana will cause long-term weight gain, there is some evidence that it may cause short-term weight gain.

Should You Stop Smoking? Or Just Chill Out?

If you can’t calm yourself down, even after smoking less, you may be able to tell if you’re too high. One change it causes is to decrease the amount of a chemical called GABA. GABA is responsible for controlling your anxiety. When you consume marijuana, it causes some chemical changes in the brain. One change it causes is to increase the amount of the neurotransmitter, GABA. GABA is responsible for controlling your anxiety. When the amount of GABA in your brain increases, your anxiety levels drop.

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If you’re wondering if you’re too high, you can check for some of these signs. Some of the signs that you’re too high include short-term memory loss, confusion and disorientation, the “munchies” being out of control, increased anxiety, and panic attacks. If you’re experiencing any of these side effects, you may be too high. If you are, you don’t have to stop smoking. You can just smoke less, or smoke at a different time. You can also try to calm yourself down, or find someone to help you get through the high. When you’re too high, it can be an uncomfortable experience. But with these tips, you can identify the signs that you’re too high, and find ways to make it through until it wears off.

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